Loggia Industria Vernici
Bi Plasma 3D - Decorative Paint
Bi Plasma 3D, il rivestimento materico bicomponente della linea Bellissima del Plasma 3D, un prodotto innovativo, resistente ultra versatile, applicabile su pareti, porte, mobili, banconi e soprattutto adatto al restyling e applicazione su pavimentazioni sia preesistenti che in cemento autolivellato.
Bi Plasma 3D, the two-component material coating from the Bellissima del Plasma 3D line, an innovative, resistant, ultra-versatile product, applicable on walls, doors, furniture, counters and above all suitable for restyling and application on both pre-existing and self-levelled concrete floors.
Infinito is a material thickness coating that can be combined with different finishing effects that allow you to recreate totally different shades, luster and thickness effects. Urban marbles, scratched, spatulated, polished, from imperial marble to the most precious finishes of liquid marble. The product combinations with finishes or with other material products such as Plasma 3D and other finishes.
- Unique ref.infinito-decorative-paint
- Product familydecorative paint
- Product groupInfinito
- TypeObject (single object)
- Date of publishing2022-04-29
- Edition number1
- Product url: https://www.loggia.it/decorinfinito/
- Technical description: https://issuu.com/loggia_industria_vernici/docs/infinito_catalogo_issuu/s/15619323
- Material main: Paint
- Material secondary: Lime
- BIMobject Category: Building Materials – Paint, Varnishes & Finishes
- IFC classification: Texture
- OmniClass Number: 23-15 21 11
- OmniClass Title: Paints and Varnishes